Your bone health is an important part of a long and healthy life. Osteoporosis is debilitating, and has become a common problem for individuals that ignore the warning signs. There are plenty of ways to increase bone density, so there is no reason to let your health decline.
1. See A Professional
When you have symptoms of bone degradation, professionals are the best choice. The Polyclinic in Dubai has earned a reputation for helping with the increase of bone density. Pinpointing the problem at its source prevents sufferers from dealing with nasty side effects. There is also the chance that a trip to a professional will shine a light on more serious bone conditions. Having issues with bone density is nothing to be scared of, but it should set off a warning that something isn’t right.
2. Vegetables
There are few things better for your bones than vegetables. With a ton of vitamin C, they are the go-to nutrient for bone-forming cells. This acts as both a regenerative and protective way to ensure bone mass. For older women, a healthy number of vegetables can prevent osteoporosis. Lowering the risks of this disease is huge, and a big part of why senior homes are selective with the vegetables the serve on plates. There are countless ways to make vegetables tasty, so everyone should have a favorite that fits their taste buds.
3. Calcium
If vegetables aren’t your thing, then other high calcium foods can be a big help. A lot of people get less than the recommended 1,000 mg per day. This adds up quickly over the years to be a detriment to bone health. Calcium levels vary since the body will absorb a specific amount based on your current intake. That is why spreading out your calcium intake through an entire day is much better than bulk loading it into one meal. Calcium rich foods include seeds, dairy, fish, nuts and fortified meals.
4. Specific Diets
Sometimes losing weight on a diet means being deficient in other areas. So, while you’re losing weight, prepare for bone and hair loss as a side effect. The loss of thickness in bone and hair is a common issue with diets that don’t take nutritional needs into consideration. Keto will promote rapid weight loss, but the side effects require a lot of upkeep before they become dangerous. Most diets will mention this upfront so that you keep all of your nutritional needs in check.
5. Strength Training
Strength training builds muscle, but also has the ability to build and maintain strong bones. High impact or weight bearing exercises are great for your bones if done on a regular schedule. With enough exercise, your body will have no problems with the formation of new bones. For seniors, strength training slows down bone loss. The only time training is a bad idea is when you go too far with lifting weights.
6. Avoid Obesity
Being obese puts an incredible amount of stress on your bones. On top of the extra weight, you’ll also be deficient in the nutrient’s bones need to stay healthy. Obesity can outright cost you years of bone regeneration and force your body into a regressive state. When obesity is the cause of bone density loss, seeing a professional should be prioritized. Try to stay away from crash diets since they can cause more harm than good.
7. Vitamin D and K2
On the list of vitamins that help build strong bones, D and K2 are high up. Vitamin D is especially important since it helps the body absorb calcium. Despite its noted importance, millions worldwide suffer from a deficiency in vitamin D. A lot of these cases are preventable since it is automatically created from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin K2 is a bit different in this category since it can be consumed in small amounts for a beneficial gain. Eggs, liver and fermented food contain different types of K2 that help with bone health. If you’re eating a normal amount of food, then there is a high chance that your K2 needs are being met.
8. Omega-3 Fats
Hearing the word fat is met with a negative reaction, but not all fat is bad. Omega-3 fatty acids provide anti-inflammatory effects that are useful to a healthy body. Balance is the keyword here, as having too much of this good nutrient can lead to lower bone density. It takes a lot of omega-3 to go overboard, meaning you’d have to eat an enormous number of nuts and fish. Stay within an acceptable range and your bone density won’t suffer from an overabundance of omega-3.
9. Protein
Protein is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. When your protein intake is too low, it lessens the effectiveness of calcium absorption. And when your protein is too high, the same result of ineffective calcium takes place. Bones need calcium to remain strong, so protein needs to be balanced just like omega-3. You can always counteract a high amount of protein by getting an equally high amount of calcium. But at that point you’re playing a balancing act with your food that requires a lot of unnecessary upkeep. Stick to the recommended values to protect your bones. And if you’re on a high protein diet, balance it out with calcium or a restricted number of calories.
10. Collagen Supplements
Sometimes it isn’t feasible to get all your nutrients from food. Supplements are useful, especially collagen. Protecting bone health with collagen supplements is still new, but has been used as a natural way to clear up arthritis symptoms. There has even been positive feedback when collagen supplements are used for joint pain. Collagen is one of the primary proteins found in bones, so taking it responsibility will help increase bone density.
Become Stronger
Prepare for the future by avoiding common bone issues caused by lack of health awareness. Preventative measures exist to stop bone deterioration for all ages. You have the power to become stronger by keeping your body in its healthiest state.