21. Plank Rainbows
- Grab a very light dumbbell;
- Starting in the classic side plank, extend one arm out to the side, holding the weight;
- Raise the weight so that it straight towards ceiling;
- Complete all reps on one side before switching to the next.
22. Reverse Plank
- Start by sitting on your butt, legs extended out in front and hands placed on either side of your hips;
- Lift your hips, squeeze your butt, and open your chest.
23. Plank Rocks
- Push through your toes to drive your shoulders forward and back;
- Make sure to keep a tight core to avoid arching the back.
24. Mt Climbers
- Push through your toes to drive your shoulders forward and back;
- Make sure to keep a tight core to avoid arching the back.
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24. Mt Climbers
- Start in the classic position;
- Keep the legs straight and touch your right foot with your right hand before going back to start;
- Complete all on one side before moving to the other.
26. Rotating Mt Climbers
- Start like normal Mt climbers;
- Instead of knees straight in, drive them in a rotational manner. Right knee to left armpit; left knee to right armpit.
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27. Floor Bridge
- A great plank reverse move;
- Keep the heels on the ground and under the knees.
28. SB Reverse Plank (With Exercise Ball)
- Great balance and minimal stress.
29. SB Decline Plank (With Exercise Ball)
- Classic plank with extra balance because of the added exercise ball;
- Keep hips aligned in a neutral spine position.
30. Push-Ups!
- The ULTIMATE plank exercise!
If you regularly work out try to aim for 25 reps for the planks that include reps; for planks that are meant to be held, aim to hold for 30-60 seconds.