By eating food rich in antioxidants we are protecting ourselves from making our LDL cholesterol becoming oxidized and toxic. Scientists have isolated 5 possible antioxidants found in fruit, vegetables and cereals until now. Accordingly, we are presenting 5 mighty weapons against the destructive transformation of LDL cholesterol:
- Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene (Grapefruit – great medicine for cholesterol, but you should avoid grapefruit juice!);
- Eating oil, nuts, seeds and cereals, especially wheat sprouted wholegrain rich in vitamin E;
- Eating sardine and mackerel rich in coenzyme Q10, the recently discovered antioxidant for protection of arteries (You can enjoy a nice fatty meal AND lower your LDL cholesterol);
- Eating groceries rich in antioxidant monounsaturated fatty acids, like olive oil, almond and avocado, which are proven to lower oxidation LDL cholesterol (The most effective way to get rid of that nasty cholesterol is to consume MORE cholesterol!?!);
- Lowering intake of fats which are easily oxidized. Most easily oxidized fats are omega-6 fats from vegetables, like corn and sunflower oils.