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5 Secrets Your Doctor Hasn’t Shared with You

by Melissa Bell
4 minutes read

While modern medicine has made tremendous strides, much of what doctors do is shrouded in secrecy. This is because they closely guard the secrets doctors use to diagnose patients.

Sure, they rely on tests. Just think about all of the times you’ve been poked and prodded when you go to see the doctor. But another tool doctors use is observation. While this has been honed by years of study and experience, doctors do not have a monopoly on this skill. As such, here are five secrets your doctor hasn’t shared with you.


Secret 1 – Body Language

You might not give it much thought, but your body language says a lot about how you are feeling. In fact, this is one of the first things doctors observe when they see you. If you are standing tall and walking with a sense of confidence, then they are more likely to conclude you are in good health. But just don’t think that walking with confidence when you go to see the doctor will hide your underlying condition.

After all, you are visiting the doctor for a reason. For example, it could be related to a cardiovascular issue which was recently reviewed at the upcoming CRT Meeting where specialists “showcase interesting and challenging cases for educational purposes.”

Remember, your body language can influence your health – at least to the point that feeling healthy is a state of mind. But be mindful that it could be sending clues to how you are really feeling.

Secret 2 – The Sound of Your Voice

It’s no secret that your voice changes when you are suffering from allergies, a cold, or have the flu. But did you know that the sound of your voice can also offer a clue to whether you smoke or drink?

Remember this the next time you visit the doctor as a raspy voice, inflamed gums, or even bad breath can be a signal of addiction to nicotine, alcohol, or something stronger. What’s the best course of action? Be honest with your doctor about your habits as this will put them in a better position to suggest changes to your routine that will improve your health.

If you are not willing to share your smoking and drinking habits with your doctors, then you might be less inclined to share other details about your health which might be pertinent. Don’t assume that your doctor will never know, as secrecy is a good indication of how you will (or won’t) stick to a treatment plan in the future.

Secret 3 – Speaking of Bad Breath

While bad breath can be a signal that you are a smoker, it can also be a warning sign that you have diabetes. Given that our sedentary lifestyle has increased the prevalence of diabetes in the general population, this is something you should heed particular attention to – even if you don’t have a history of diabetes in your family.

Besides diabetes, persistent bad breath may indicate liver issues, acid reflux, or even bacterial imbalances in your digestive system. Granted, you could also have a dental issue. But if your teeth are in good health and you are still struggling with bad breath, then you might want to talk to your doctor before it is too late.

Secret 4 – The Whites of Your Eyes

In particular, if the whites of your eyes have turned yellow. This could be a massive red flag that you could have liver disease. Based on research, an early indication of jaundice is a change to the color of your skin or your eyes.

As such, if you notice that something is not right, then get to your doctor.  Sure, this is one of the reasons why they always have a look at your peepers but if you notice something, then it is better to get it looked at right away.

Secret 5 – You’re Constantly Red-Faced

It turns out that being red-faced is not just a sign of embarrassment, it could also indicate that you have hypertension. This happens as your body is trying to lower your blood pressure through a process known as vasodilation. While this is normal, if you find that your face is consistently reddish, then you should think about talking to your doctor.

There you have it five secrets your doctor hasn’t shared with you. While knowing these secrets doesn’t mean you can practice medicine yourself, it does mean that you can use your powers of observation to better understand your health.

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