Hearing loss affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide. While some auditory problems result from genetics, many of these result from direct and indirect causes. Mild to total hearing loss is at times a product of poor ear health and is, therefore, avoidable.
It’s important to not take good ear health for granted even if you’re born with a healthy auditory system. If you are wondering about keeping your ears in good condition, then follow these tips for safeguarding your hearing.
1. Avoid loud environments
Limiting your exposure to environments where decibel levels are over and above normal levels is the best way to protect yourself from hearing loss. Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, humans can tolerate noise levels of at most 70 decibels over a long period. Anywhere beyond that could cause immediate hearing loss. If you find yourself in a concert or factory, don’t overstay, unless you are equipped with the right protection.
2. Invest in quality protection
New technology has provided individuals who are sensitive to loud noises with high levels of protection that help maintain ear health. Traditional earplugs are not enough to drown out excessive noise and they also have the potential to damage the ear canal and lead to wax buildup if you wear them for a long time. You might want to opt for noise-canceling ear muffs that are typically used in environments like construction sites and shooting ranges. Select a brand that offers a balance between efficiency and comfort.
3. Don’t use cotton swabs
You might think that the wax in your ears is troublesome, but it’s best to leave the substance alone and let it drain naturally. Earwax is designed to protect the inner mechanisms of the ear from foreign invaders like small insects and debris. Attempting to get rid of earwax using cotton swabs reduces your in-ear defenses. Worst of all, cotton swabs tend to push ear wax further toward the eardrum. This will cause clogging in the canal and, eventually, infection.
4. Learn about the signs of hearing loss
Hearing loss develops over time even if you follow healthy auditory practices every day. Sensorineural hearing loss can also occur as a result of illness and certain medications such as aspirin and diuretics. You will need to find an ENT specialist when you notice a change in either ear’s pickup. Do not attempt to solve the problem yourself by using fringe medication such as ear drops and drugs. In Canada, you can look up Toronto hearing consultants who can provide hearing aids in case of permanent damage.
5. Keep your blood pressure in check
Stress and hypertension are synonymous with hearing loss. That’s because the inner ear is connected to the cerebellar artery which could get overwhelmed as your blood pressure rises. When that happens, the blood vessels in your ear will get damaged and lead to permanent hearing loss. For this reason alone, it’s important to constantly check your blood pressure levels and take the right medication to stabilize them.
The road to a healthier ear is an easy one so long as you avoid overstimulating your auditory system and seek the advice of professionals who can help you maintain your hearing.