Introduction: Are you often plagued by low energy and a lack of enthusiasm for …
Demmy James
It’s interesting how many people do not see a connection between training in a …
- FitnessHealth
7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Positive in the Colder Months
by Demmy Jamesby Demmy James 7 minutes readThe days slowly get shorter, the temperature gradually declines, hell, even the nights feel …
- GeneralHealth
50 Plus? No problem! 5 Tips to Keep the Heart Young
by Demmy Jamesby Demmy James 5 minutes readCoping with change is not always an easy process – in fact, it can …
- Fitness
Parenthood and Staying in Shape: a Tough Combination
by Demmy Jamesby Demmy James 6 minutes readAs a parent to a young child, I can truly appreciate the challenges that …
Consistently rated as the most attractive part of the body by both sexes, the …
If you love working out, chances are you look forward to waking up sore …
- FitnessGeneral
Win A Year’s Worth Of Whey Protein With The M&S Survey
by Demmy Jamesby Demmy James 2 minutes readWhey protein can be expensive, so how does a year’s supply for free sound? …
- Fitness
The Five Best Stretching Exercises for People Who Work Out Regularly
by Demmy Jamesby Demmy James 5 minutes readEveryone should be performing stretches both before and after training, but the types of …