It can be all too easy to neglect our oral health. Yet the reality is that a lot of the most common oral health problems are highly preventable by maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine that involves flossing, brushing and using an antibacterial mouthwash. If you ever find yourself tackling an oral health concern, here are the best ways to combat these issues.
Tooth decay
First and foremost, this dentist in South Melbourne recommends scheduling regular appointments to ensure you catch any signs of decay before extensive damage is done. Tooth decay can cause irreversible damage to both the affected teeth as well as the teeth surrounding the decay if the decay is left untreated. If the decay progresses to the point where you’ll need any fillings or extractions, it is best that these are done promptly to ensure that no other teeth will need to be removed. Admittedly, we’re starting with one of the worst case scenarios here when it comes to incurring an oral health concern, specifically because cases of tooth decay will require ongoing medical treatment, as well as a transformation of both your oral hygiene habits as well as your eating habits. But you’ll be happy to hear that it’s not uncommon for those who’ve felt the discomfort of tooth decay to effectively alter these habits once the decay has been treated!
Gum disease
Similarly to tooth decay, gum disease (otherwise known as gingivitis or periodontitis) is commonly caused by excess sugar intake or the regular consumption of acidic foods, which can wear down the protective enamel and allow for plaque build-ups to occur. As the plaque build-up occurs, the areas where your teeth and gums meet can often widen, causing what dentists refer to as ‘periodontal pockets’, and making it seem as though your gums are receding. These ‘pockets’ can potentially leave the roots of your teeth exposed, which may result in tooth sensitivity in mild cases, and nasty mouth infections in the most severe cases. The physical pain that accompanies having gum disease can generally come faster than pain from tooth decay due to this sensitivity, which makes gum disease easier to catch in the earlier stages. Even so, you’ll need to schedule regular appointments with your dentist to treat periodontitis, as well as reduce your sugar intake to ensure that you stay protected from developing the disease again in the future.
Chronic bad breath
Bad breath is something we’ve all experienced at one point or another in our lives, but when we’ve had particularly not-so-fresh breath for prolonged periods of time, it becomes a medical issue which will definitely require a dentist’s appointment. The reason for this is that chronic bad breath can often be indicative of other underlying oral health concerns which may need immediate treatment. These include mouth ulcers or infections that can potentially lead to nasty abscesses if left to their own devices. If you have mild cases of occasional bad breath, chances are you have little to worry about, and this issue can be easily addressed through numerous effective home remedies alongside other practices for promoting overall physical health, like cutting out alcohol and cigarettes.
If you’re ever feeling doubtful about the efficacy of your oral hygiene habits, it’s always definitely worthwhile consulting your dentist to ensure you’re doing exactly what you need to do to keep your teeth happy and healthy. We can all agree that preventative healthcare is far preferable to treating pre-existing problems, and your dentist should be your foremost authority when it comes to practicing better oral healthcare.