Prenatal care is a crucial part of a healthy pregnancy. It includes sound nutrition, being aware of behavioral risks, regular checkups and stress counselling. Consistent care can reduce the chances of birth defects, low birth weight or maternal health issues. Therefore, mothers-to-be should take all necessary measures through the trimesters to optimize their health.
The good news is that studies show that 97% of all babies are born without defects. Yet you must try to achieve a healthy weight, ensure ample physical activities and take enough rest. This will lower the chances of your baby being in the 3% that is born with complications.
Ensuring regular prenatal care checkups helps the doctor monitor the fetus and offer management techniques for pregnancy-related symptoms, if any. Below are a few other tips to ensure a safe and joyful prenatal period before your baby arrives.
In-Home Care by Nurses
Get in touch with a visiting nurse association, like those in New Jersey. The best one will ensure high-end prenatal care, nutritional support and coaching by registered professionals. They are extremely compassionate and work with a patient-centric approach. The nurses take time to know you and your medical history. They also check the health status of the mother and fetus continuously. Psychological support is offered to you and your family as well. You can also learn about pre-labor, labor and childbirth in detail. Advanced care can lower the chances of health risks and ensure safe delivery. This gives the unborn baby a great start to life.

Prenatal Supplements
These are important since the baby receives all the nutrients from you. Make sure the prenatal nutrients include folic acid, iron and calcium, along with Vitamin D, DHA and iodine. These make you strong and healthy. You will be able to fulfil the child’s nutritional needs as well. But try not to buy over-the-counter medicines without a prescription. Consult a doctor before including them in your diet. This will reduce the risks of worsening medical conditions, if any.
Plenty of Sleep
A pregnant woman must aim at 7-9 hours of sleep. Your healthcare nurse will ensure you get ample naps. This keeps you energized and reduces fatigue. This is vital, since the placenta is growing and your body is making more blood than usual. It requires you to stay fit and avoid exhaustion at all costs to reduce risks of high blood pressure or preeclampsia. Poor sleep might disrupt the delivery as well.
Six Well-Balanced Meals
Several small meals can help you feel better than 2-3 large ones. It can also keep excess weight gain under control. Include loads of fruits and vegetables, complex carbs, protein, fats, and fiber. Try to avoid uncooked, partially cooked or undercooked meat. You might get infected by the toxoplasma parasite that leads to a flu-like illness that can harm your baby. It has reportedly caused miscarriage in some cases. The mother can also be affected by food poisoning due to a weaker immune system during pregnancy. Putting these tips into action can help you have a worry-free prenatal period. Avoid alcohol, get comfortable shoes, consider a birth plan and avoid smoking. Listen to the instructions given by the in-home nurses for further safety and efficacy.