Juice Cures Headache, Depression, Stress… 18 Recipes for 18 Common Illnesses

by Melissa Bell
2 minutes read


Freshly made cabbage juice is a long-standing home remedy for peptic ulcers. Several medical studies have found raw cabbage juice to provide rapid relief from the symptoms and shorter ulcer crater healing time. Powerful ingredients in cabbage juice including L-glutamine, S-methylmethionine, glucosinolates and gefarnate protect and help heal the mucous membranes lining of your stomach and digestive tract.

Cabbage juice is rich in the amino acid glutamine. This natural source of glutamine is believed to be superior to commercial antacids for treating ulcers for the way it nourishes and repairs the gastrointestinal lining. Combine raw cabbage juice with carrots and celery for the ultimate ulcer healing juice.

juice cure ulcer

Also consider adding on occasion: apricot, avocado and grapes.

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Our bodies are designed to cope with pressure and many other complications if we give it the right nutrients. When juicing for anxiety we can feed our bodies the right amount of vitamins and minerals to help us minimize stress responses. Carrots, celery and pomegranate have proven a good mix of magnesium, vitamins and other key nutrients to help you relax and level down your anxiety.

juice cure nervousness

Further benefits from: avocado, blueberries, orange, almonds and spinach.

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Carrot is one of the best foods in dispelling excessive mucus from the body. Drink carrot juice just on its own, or make a mix together with spinach, garlic and lemon for a super cleansing power.

High intake of beta carotene and vitamin C helps to increase lung capacity and relieve respiratory problems, as well as protecting you from breathing disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.

juice cure asthma

When available, enrich with: apricot, celery, pineapple, peach, radish and strawberry.

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The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet with high intakes of fruits and vegetables was associated with fewer depressive symptoms. The study contributed these results to a cumulative effort of the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables as well as the omega-3 fatty acids in fish. Further studies have revealed specific nutrients to be low in people suffering from depression, specifically Vitamin B9 (Folate), B6 and B12, and Omega-3.

juice cure depression

Our recipe can be supplemented with: blended walnuts, kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, oranges, plums, blueberries and strawberries.

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