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What Are Your Options When Facing Kidney Failure

by Melissa Bell
3 minutes read

Being told by your doctor that you’re facing kidney failure is one of the scariest things that can happen. You might feel like you’re running out of options, and you don’t know what your next steps will be. It is possible to regain control even when facing kidney failure.

Start talking to your doctor about your treatment options early so you can approach your path with confidence. It’s crucial to learn as much as you can about your treatment plan so you can be prepared both physically and mentally. This guide will dive into your options when your kidneys are failing as well as how to stay positive in the face of change.


What is Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure is a progression. There are different stages of kidney disease that occurs over time. What are the leading causes of this condition? Diabetes and high blood pressure are thought to lead to kidney disease. Kidney failure is the final stage of the disease, and it means over 85% of the kidney function is gone.

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Because your kidneys aren’t able to work correctly on their own, the level of creatinine in your blood will rise. This can lead to symptoms like weakness, muscle cramps, vomiting, and anemia. Treatment can help solve these solutions, but there is no way to cure kidney disease at this time. Thanks to modern medical treatment, many people suffering from this condition are able to live active, regular lives. That’s why it’s essential to decide on a treatment path that’s right for you.


Treatment Options

The two main options for kidney failure treatment are transplantation and hemodialysis. A kidney transplant can be done if you’re a good match for an available kidney. There is a relatively high success rate for kidney transplants. There is only a 4% failure rate for this type of operation within the first year. While there are symptoms associated with this option, you will no longer need dialysis to filter your blood.

The second treatment option is hemodialysis, also known as just dialysis. This is a treatment that you can do at home or through a center. During dialysis, your blood is pumped through tubes and a filter to remove waste and extra fluid. Because you can do this at home, you have more freedom to live your life. Either way, you’ll still need regular monitoring from a medical professional to ensure your disease hasn’t progressed. Booknowmed can help you find a treatment center no matter where you are in the world.

Both treatments have their own advantages and challenges. While there is no cure for kidney disease at this time, you can stop the progression of deterioration by choosing the right treatment for you.

A Confident Future

As research continues to develop into the treatment of kidney disease, you have options for living a long, active life. Learning to live with kidney disease does not mean you have to give the things you love. Finding the right support from your friends and family will help you navigate this time with confidence. Beyond choosing one of the paths above, you’ll also need to monitor your diet and exercise to boost your health.

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