Home » Wall Push Ups

Wall Push Ups

by Melissa Bell
2 minutes read

Welcome to the Wall Push ups, the first step of our 10 level push up challenge! You are starting a gradual process that can take months or more, but your efforts will yield a better muscle tone, an optimal posture, improved sports performance and a general increase in your ability during daily tasks which require physical effort.

The traditional push up is one of the best exercises you can do to develop strength and endurance, build upper body muscle, strengthen the joints and even help coordinate the muscles of the core and the lower body muscles. However, the young, the elderly and people not at their fitness peak can struggle to complete even a single regular push up. This is why you don’t jump into push ups – you wean yourself in. We must first prepare and develop some strength before we seriously attempt regular push ups. There are several exercises that we’ll go through, but we start with wall push ups. The wall push ups will strengthen your arms, shoulders, and chest and you can do them right there in the living room (during a TV commercial break, maybe?).


  • Stand a little farther than arm’s length away facing a wall, with your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Place your palms on the wall at shoulder height and shoulder-width apart;
  • Start bending your elbows as you slowly breathe in until your forehead almost touches the wall – the final position;
  • Breathing out, slowly push yourself back to the starting position and repeat.

Exercise Notes

Wall push ups are the first exercise in the series which will consist of 10 levels and, apart from some simple technique, doesn’t require much in the way of strength. Everyone, the young and the elderly, should be able to perform this exercise. As a matter of fact, wall push ups are often the first therapeutic exercise used during the healing process of injuries or postoperative recovery – it will gradually get you into shape without unnecessarily stressing the body. Wall push ups gently engage and stimulate the most traumatic parts of the body: the elbows, wrists and shoulders and most importantly, the delicate rotator cuff. They also increase blood flow and strengthen and tone your upper body. Beginners should strive to accurately perform this exercise, following the technique explained above and tracking their performance.


First level 1 set of 10 reps
Second level 2 sets of 25 reps
Final level 3 sets of 50 reps


Most people are able to do this exercise, perhaps with a few exceptions of the seriously injured or otherwise debilitated. Even in the process of recovery this exercise can show the current fitness level of the patient or athlete, which is the starting point in building a program for further rehabilitation.

After overcoming the Final Level of wall push ups continue with the next exercise – the Incline Push Up.

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