Home » Win A Year’s Worth Of Whey Protein With The M&S Survey

Win A Year’s Worth Of Whey Protein With The M&S Survey

by Demmy James
2 minutes read

Whey protein can be expensive, so how does a year’s supply for free sound? If that grabs your attention, you can have a chance to win this if you partake in Muscle & Strength’s fitness survey.

Of course, filling out this survey does more than just give you a chance to win a great price. It also helps the wider community.

Why Does The Survey Matter?

Fitness, aside from being a passion, is also a rather large industry. As such, understanding how people choose to work out and train can help us to create better products and services.

For instance, there are numerous different diet and nutrition options out there. Many fitness enthusiasts will choose a high or low carb diet, for instance, depending on their physical goals. As such, it helps to be able to provide information, recipes and even workout plans that are built around these methods.

The best way for us to learn this is to simply ask you. With the right information, we can develop content and strategies that better suit the modern fitness lifestyle and regime.

Part Of The Community

One of the best things about the fitness industry is the support people within the community shares for one another. Whether it’s spotting a friend or discussing workout tips, keeping in shape benefits from sharing activities, ideas and information.

The results of our survey will help inform the community on how other gym goers dedicate their time, what workouts they choose and how often they train. This way, everyone benefits from additional insight. So, by just taking 5 minutes to share your own views and choices with us, you can contribute to a larger piece of work that will benefit everyone.

New Ideas

Of course, you can also use this opportunity to compare yourself to the rest of the community. Perhaps you’re looking for some new ideas or want to change up your workout? Our results will show what is currently the most popular, giving you some new ideas to reinvigorate your training and improve your gains.

So, what are you waiting for? The survey is available until the end of January, so there’s plenty of time left to win that year’s supply of whey protein!

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